2020 — a meditation in memes, cross-stitch style.

Late spring-summer 2020 was the time I discovered Etsy and the r/crochet subreddit on Reddit.com. Through those 2 sites, I realized there were cross-stitch patterns being offered that weren’t your usual kits of butterflies, puppies and landscapes in pastel colors you’d find at your local craft store. So imagine a Venn diagram of 3 things:

Venn diagram of 3 things that produced the cross-stitch memes I made this year: 1) funny, quirky, dark memes, 2) the year that was 2020 and 3) liking to cross-stitch with "these lovely little projects" where it all intersects
Venn diagram of 3 things that produced the cross-stitch memes I made this year

…and it produced a few fun projects:

Ye Grand ol’ Dumpster Fire of 2020

This got a lot of mileage with some work colleagues and some of my friends. The common thread of the comments I got was that it was literally the physical manifestation of how awful 2020 was on so many levels for many of us. Link to pattern.

This is fine

This is one of those memes that as the year progressed, it became more and more ridiculous and absurd. Just when we all figured out…maybe things would be fine, something weird or crazy would top that. Here’s hoping 2021 will be less fiery and melty. Can’t seem to source the original link to the pattern anymore (it’s been a few years that I held onto the pattern which originally was on Craftsy but is there no more).

I do have a few more cross-stitch patterns in my to-do list, but it’s been superseded by my crochet and fabric projects. Makes sense as my cross-stitch supplies footprint is the smallest vs. fabric & yarn, so it can be a nice craft palette cleanser when the mood strikes.

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Hello! Do you happen to have the “This is fine” pattern as a PDF? I’m grumbling that it disappeared!

Thank you!

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