Reading List for 2018

Welp. It’s a start of a new year and it’s time to stare down my book backlog (again). Here’s where I am at the moment and what I aspire to get done for 2018.

Partway through:

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman (60%)

My 2017 unread book “backlog” that I would like to read at minimum 2 from:

  1. Thrive – Arianna Huffington
  2. Succeeding with Agile – Mike Cohn
  3. Agile Testing – Lisa Crispin
  4. Coaching Agile Teams – Lyssa Adkins

The books I would like to squeeze in this year:

  1. Principles – Ray Dalio
  2. The Hard Things About Hard Things – Ben Horowitz
  3. Discipline Equals Freedom – Jocko Willink
  4. Design Systems – Alla Kholmatova

Super stretch reading goals:

And for the first time I’m including 2 science fiction books to add to the non-fiction mix above…

  1. Seveneves by Neil Stephenson
  2. The Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu

And away we go!

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