What’s Cooking? Potstickers and Wontons

Went on a bit of a tear this holiday long weekend (it was Family Day on Monday in British Columbia) determined to use up as much food in the fridge and freezer as possible and had some fairly tasty results.

Hadn’t done potstickers (I interchangeably call these gyozas too) before but had done wontons before. Did a bit of Googling and ended up making 2 types of potstickers (shrimp and pork) and 1 type of wonton (beef). All in all, made about 6 large Ziploc bags of gyozas and wontons and froze them for future use.

Deviated a bit as I made do with what I had or didn’t have:

  • Made shrimp only and pork only potsticker fillings
  • Added pea shoots to the potsticker fillings
  • Had to get by with no rice wine for the potsticker filling

Here are all the links to the recipes and how-to sites:

Forgot to post what they looked like after I did an initial batch of potstickers but they came out really good. Definitely will do more of these in the future.

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